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Digital Marketer, Web Designer, Seo Expert.

Me Tarun Banerjee a IT Professional, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Web Designer, Seo Expert, Digital Marketer and Network Specialist.

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I have 3 year workig experience in Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Wordpress, Blogger etc.

I have 2 year workig experience in HTML, CSS, JAVA, C++, PHP, MY-SQL etc. I have also 5 year workig experience in Network Sector.

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Apr 2015 - Mar 2016
Computer Instructor

I will take responsibility for running central or state government sponsored scheme like SUDA, NULM, SULM, PMKVY etc under SITD computer center.

Apr 2016 - Mar 2017
Web Developer

In Kalyani Info Solutions Compay I will doing Website Development, Marketing, Hosting, Designing, Making, SEO Management etc.

Apr 2017 - Present
Network Engineer

I am a Junior Support Engineer in WBSWAN project at Jhalda II Block Office ,Purulia.

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Discover the ultimate beginner's guide to WordPress website optimization. Learn how to enhance speed, responsiveness, and overall performance to provide a seamless user experience. Boost your site's performance today!

WordPress Website Optimization

Optimizing website performance is a common concern for website owners and bloggers alike. 

In this digital age, where attention spans are shrinking and users demand instant gratification, having a fast and responsive WordPress website is crucial. 

Creating content about enhancing speed, responsiveness, and overall performance can be valuable, especially with low competition. 

In this beginner's guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to optimize your WordPress website and provide a seamless user experience.

Understanding the Importance of Website Optimization

Before delving into the technical details, it's crucial to understand why website optimization matters. A slow-loading website can lead to high bounce rates and decreased user engagement. 

Google also considers page speed as a ranking factor, affecting your website's search engine visibility. To ensure your audience sticks around and your site ranks well, optimizing performance is key.

Choosing a Reliable Web Hosting Provider

Your website's performance foundation lies in your choice of web hosting provider. Opt for a reputable and reliable host that offers optimized servers, solid-state drives (SSDs), and content delivery networks (CDNs). 

These features ensure faster data retrieval and efficient distribution of your content to users across the globe.

Picking a Lightweight and Responsive Theme

Your choice of theme significantly impacts your website's speed and responsiveness. Opt for a lightweight and well-coded theme that prioritizes performance. 

Avoid flashy or overly complex designs that can slow down your site. Responsive themes are essential for providing an optimal user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Streamlining Your Plugins and Content

Plugins can enhance your website's functionality, but too many of them can weigh it down. Regularly review and uninstall unnecessary plugins. 

Opt for all-in-one solutions when possible, reducing the number of plugins needed. Additionally, compress and optimize your images before uploading them to your site, as large image files can be a major contributor to slow loading times.

Caching for Improved Speed

Caching is a technique that stores frequently accessed data, allowing faster retrieval when users visit your site. 

Utilize caching plugins that generate static HTML versions of your pages. This reduces the load on your server and speeds up page loading times for returning visitors.

Minimize HTTP Requests and Optimize CSS/JS

Each element on your website, including images, scripts, and stylesheets, generates HTTP requests when a user visits a page. 

Minimize these requests by combining CSS and JavaScript files and reducing the number of elements on a page. 

Additionally, optimize your CSS and JS code to remove any unnecessary spaces or characters, further improving loading times.

Conclusion: Your Optimized WordPress Journey Begins Here

Optimizing your WordPress website might seem like a daunting task, but the rewards are worth the effort. 

A fast and responsive website enhances user experience, improves search engine rankings, and ultimately drives more traffic and conversions. 

By following the steps outlined in this beginner's guide, you're setting yourself up for success in the competitive online landscape.

Discover essential tips to enhance the security of your WordPress website in this comprehensive guide. From strong passwords to regular backups, learn how to safeguard your site from online threats and breaches.

WordPress Security Guide

Protect Your WordPress Website from Online Threats and Breaches

In today's digital landscape, where the online realm plays a significant role in business, communication, and personal expression, website security has become a paramount concern. 

Security is crucial for website owners, and creating a comprehensive guide about securing WordPress sites can attract users concerned about safeguarding their content. 

Whether you're a novice or an experienced WordPress user, understanding and implementing effective security measures is essential to keep your website safe from potential threats.

Introduction to WordPress Security

Before delving into the specifics, let's lay the foundation with a clear understanding of why security is vital for your WordPress website. 

Cyberattacks, data breaches, and malicious activities are not limited to large corporations – websites of all sizes are potential targets. 

As a website owner, it's your responsibility to protect sensitive information, maintain user trust, and ensure uninterrupted functionality.

Choosing a Reliable Web Hosting Provider

Your journey towards a secure WordPress website begins with selecting a reputable web hosting provider. 

Opt for a provider that offers robust security features, regular software updates, and advanced firewalls. A reliable hosting company can significantly reduce vulnerabilities right from the start.

Keeping WordPress Core and Plugins Updated

Regular updates for your WordPress core and plugins are like patches that fill the gaps in your website's security armour. 

Hackers often target outdated software versions, exploiting known vulnerabilities. Keep an eye on updates and apply them promptly to maintain a strong defence against potential threats.

Strong and Unique Password Practices

A strong password is a fundamental yet often overlooked aspect of website security. Avoid using common passwords or ones that are easily guessable. 

Instead, create complex passwords that include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, consider using a password manager to generate and store passwords securely.

Implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide two forms of identification before gaining access to your WordPress dashboard. 

This prevents unauthorized access even if someone manages to obtain your password. Plugins like Google Authenticator can easily integrate 2FA into your website.

Regular Backups – Your Safety Net

Even with all the precautions in place, there's always a slim chance of security breaches. Regular backups serve as your safety net, allowing you to restore your website to a previous state if it's compromised. 

Numerous backup plugins are available that can automate this process, ensuring your data remains intact.

Limiting Login Attempts

Brute force attacks involve hackers attempting numerous password combinations until they find the right one. 

Limiting the number of login attempts a user can make within a specific time frame can effectively thwart such attacks. 

Several plugins can help you enforce this measure, adding another layer of security to your website.

Securing File Permissions

Incorrect file permissions can give unauthorized users access to sensitive parts of your website. 

Regularly review and adjust file permissions to ensure that only authorized individuals can modify or access them. This can be achieved through your hosting control panel or via FTP.

Choosing Reliable Themes and Plugins

While the vast selection of themes and plugins might be enticing, not all of them are created with security in mind. 

Stick to themes and plugins from reputable sources, and check their reviews and update frequency. Avoid using pirated or unsupported extensions, as they can be a breeding ground for vulnerabilities.

Monitoring and Scanning for Malware

Constant monitoring and regular malware scans are crucial components of your website's security strategy. 

Utilize security plugins that offer features like real-time monitoring, malware scanning, and intrusion detection. Detecting and addressing threats early can prevent potential disasters down the line.

Setting Up a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) acts as a barrier between your website and potential threats, filtering out malicious traffic before it reaches your server. 

Many hosting providers offer built-in WAF solutions, or you can opt for third-party plugins to enhance your website's security.

Educating Yourself and Your Team

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying informed is key. Regularly educate yourself and your team about the latest security practices, emerging threats, and best practices. 

Conduct workshops, attend webinars, and read reliable sources to ensure you're well-equipped to tackle any challenges that arise.


Securing your WordPress website isn't a one-time task; it's an ongoing commitment. By following these beginner-friendly steps, you'll be well on your way to creating a strong defence against online threats and breaches. 

Remember, a secure website isn't just about protecting your data – it's also about maintaining the trust of your users and providing them with a safe online experience.

Discover the art of WordPress blog themes in this comprehensive guide for beginners. Learn to choose, customize, and make the most of your theme to create a captivating online presence that leaves a lasting impression.

In the vast landscape of the internet, aspiring bloggers often search for appealing themes to make their mark. 

wordpress blog themes

A blog's visual appeal plays a pivotal role in capturing readers' attention and setting the tone for your content. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of WordPress blog themes, helping you understand how to choose, customize, and leverage the perfect theme for your online platform.

The Importance of WordPress Blog Themes

Your blog's theme is more than just a pretty face; it's the virtual storefront of your ideas and insights. 

The theme's layout, colour scheme, and typography collectively create the first impression for your visitors. 

An engaging theme can keep readers exploring, while a cluttered or unattractive one might drive them away.

Choosing the Right Theme

Selecting a theme can be overwhelming, considering the multitude of options available. To make an informed choice, narrow down your preferences based on your blog's niche, style, and purpose. 

Themes can be categorized into various genres, such as minimalistic, magazine-style, portfolio, and more. A clean and organized theme can be an excellent starting point for beginners.

Exploring the WordPress Theme Repository

The WordPress Theme Repository is a treasure trove of themes, both free and premium. Accessible directly from your WordPress dashboard, this repository offers a diverse range of themes to choose from. 

Using keywords like your blog's niche or desired features can help you discover themes tailored to your needs.

Customizing Your Chosen Theme

After settling on a theme, it's time to make it your own. WordPress provides a user-friendly customization interface, allowing you to tweak colours, fonts, layouts, and more. 

The live preview feature lets you visualize changes in real time. This hands-on customization process empowers beginners to create a unique and personalized blog design.

Plugins and Compatibility

While themes define your blog's appearance, plugins enhance its functionality. Ensure that the theme you choose is compatible with popular plugins that you might need, such as SEO optimization tools, social media integrations, and contact forms. 

Compatibility ensures a seamless user experience and saves you from technical hiccups down the road.

Responsive Design for All Devices

In an era where browsing happens on various devices, your blog's responsiveness is paramount. 

Responsive themes automatically adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring that your content looks appealing on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. 

Google also favours mobile-friendly websites in search rankings, making responsiveness a crucial factor for SEO success.

Conclusion: Crafting Your Online Identity with WordPress Blog Themes

As an aspiring blogger, your online identity begins with the theme you choose. It's the canvas on which your words, thoughts, and creativity will flourish. 

By understanding the significance of themes, navigating the selection process, customizing to reflect your personality, and ensuring compatibility, you can create a captivating digital space that resonates with your audience. 

Remember, your blog's theme is more than pixels; it's the bridge between you and your readers in the vast digital realm.

Unlock the potential of your WordPress site with these essential SEO tips for beginners. Learn how to choose keywords, optimize content, and build backlinks to boost your site's visibility and attract organic traffic. Start your journey to effective WordPress SEO today!

When it comes to establishing an online presence, having a WordPress website is just the first step. To truly thrive in the digital realm, your site needs to be discoverable by search engines.

WordPress SEO Tips

People are often seeking guidance to optimize their WordPress site for search engines, and that's where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play.

In this beginner's guide, we'll walk you through essential WordPress SEO tips to enhance your website's visibility and attract organic traffic.

Choosing the Right Keywords

To lay a solid foundation for SEO, start by identifying the keywords that are relevant to your website's content. 

These are the terms that users would enter into search engines to find information related to their niche. 

Tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ubersuggest can help you discover popular keywords and phrases. Choose keywords that align with your content and have a moderate search volume.

Optimizing On-Page Elements

Once you've selected your keywords, it's time to optimize your on-page elements. These include your page titles, headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.), and meta descriptions. 

Incorporate your target keywords naturally into these elements to make it clear to search engines what your content is about. A well-structured and keyword-rich page can significantly improve your site's ranking.

Crafting High-Quality Content

Content is the heart of your website. Create informative, engaging, and well-researched content that addresses the needs of your target audience. 

Use transition words to guide readers through your content seamlessly. Google loves content that provides value, and such content is more likely to be shared and linked to by other websites, which can enhance your site's authority and SEO.

Optimizing Images for SEO

Visual content plays a crucial role in user engagement, but it can also impact your site's loading speed if not optimized correctly. 

Compress your images to reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Additionally, use descriptive filenames and alt text for images, incorporating relevant keywords when appropriate. 

Alt text not only improves accessibility but also provides search engines with information about the image.

Utilizing SEO Plugins

WordPress offers a variety of plugins that can simplify the process of optimizing your site for search engines. 

One popular option is the Yoast SEO plugin. It allows you to set focus keywords, optimize content, and preview how your pages will appear in search results. 

Plugins like Yoast can be particularly helpful for beginners who may not be familiar with the technical aspects of SEO.

Building High-Quality Backlinks

Earning backlinks from reputable websites is a powerful way to boost your site's authority and improve its search engine ranking. 

Write guest posts for other blogs in your niche, participate in online discussions, and create shareable content that naturally attracts links. 

However, avoid spammy tactics and focus on quality over quantity. Search engines are adept at detecting unnatural link-building practices.


In the vast digital landscape, getting your WordPress site noticed by search engines requires strategic efforts. 

By implementing these WordPress SEO tips, you can create a strong foundation for your website's visibility and organic traffic growth. 

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and staying updated with the latest trends and algorithm changes is essential. So, start applying these tips, and watch your WordPress site climb the search engine ranks.


Discover the best WordPress plugins to supercharge your site's functionality. From SEO optimization to e-commerce tools, this guide provides beginners with must-have plugins for their WordPress site. Elevate your website today!

Setting up a WordPress site is an exciting journey, but it's important to enhance its functionality and features. 

WordPress Plugins

The good news? You don't need to be a coding wizard to achieve this! Thanks to WordPress plugins, you can easily add various tools and features to your site, even if you're just starting. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the top plugins for your WordPress site that will help you take it to the next level.

Must-Have Essentials

Enhancing Core Functionality

1. Yoast SEO: SEO is key to getting your site noticed. Yoast SEO plugin guides you through optimizing your content for search engines, improving your chances of ranking higher in search results.

2. Akismet Anti-Spam: Say goodbye to spam comments! Akismet automatically filters out spammy comments, ensuring that your site's discussions stay clean and relevant.

3. W3 Total Cache:
Slow-loading websites deter visitors. W3 Total Cache boosts your site's speed by caching and compressing elements, resulting in a smoother user experience.

Improving User Experience

Subtitle: Enhancing User Interaction

4. Elementor: You don't have to be a designer to create stunning pages. Elementor is a drag-and-drop page builder that lets you craft visually appealing pages with ease.

5. WPForms: Communication is key, and WPForms helps you create contact forms, surveys, and even payment forms, making it simple for visitors to reach out to you.

6. LiveChat: Instant customer support can make a huge difference. With LiveChat, you can provide real-time assistance and engage with your visitors directly.

Making Your Site Media-Rich

Subtitle: Enhancing Visual Appeal

7. Smush: Large images slow down your site. Smush optimizes images by compressing them without sacrificing quality, ensuring your site remains speedy and appealing.

8. Envira Gallery: If you're keen on showcasing images, Envira Gallery helps you create stunning galleries and albums that elevate your site's visual impact.

9. Easy FancyBox: Make your images and videos pop with Easy FancyBox. This plugin creates attractive lightboxes that display media content beautifully.

Building a Strong Online Community

Enhancing Community Engagement

10. BuddyPress: Transform your site into a social network with BuddyPress. You can create profiles, activity streams, user groups, and more, fostering a sense of community.

11. bbPress: If you're looking to add forums to your site, bbPress is the go-to plugin. Easily set up discussion boards and encourage interactions among your visitors.

Ensuring Site Security

Enhancing Website Protection

12. Wordfence Security: Keep your site safe from threats with Wordfence Security. This plugin offers firewall protection, malware scanning, and login security to safeguard your content.

13. UpdraftPlus: Regular backups are a lifesaver in case of data loss. UpdraftPlus simplifies the backup process, allowing you to restore your site effortlessly.

Supercharging E-Commerce

Enhancing Online Selling

14. WooCommerce: For those venturing into online selling, WooCommerce is a powerhouse. It equips your site with a range of e-commerce features, from product listings to secure payments.

15. Easy Digital Downloads: If you're selling digital products, this plugin streamlines the process. You can manage downloads, track sales, and offer discounts effortlessly.


These top plugins for your WordPress site cater to various needs and goals. Remember, while plugins greatly enhance your site, using too many can slow it down or cause conflicts. 

Prioritize quality over quantity and regularly update your plugins to ensure compatibility and security. 

With these plugins in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to create a powerful and feature-rich WordPress site without breaking a sweat.

 6 Important Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress for Your Website!

WordPress for Your Website

One of the inquiries that we frequently get posed is: Why would it be advisable for me to utilize WordPress? Isn't my old site sufficient? For what reason do I need to change to WordPress from another stage? If you're posing these inquiries, at that point, you're at the perfect spot. In this article, we will share 6 significant reasons why you should utilize WordPress. We will likewise cover all the various kinds of sites you can make with WordPress just as feature well-known locales that are utilizing WordPress.

Note: Throughout this article, when we say WordPress, we are discussing WordPress.org otherwise called self-facilitated WordPress. Kindly don't mistake this for WordPress.com which is a facilitating administration. For subtleties, see our correlation of WordPress.org versus WordPress.com.

Quite possibly the most well-known confusions about WordPress is that it is only a contributing to a blog stage.

It isn't.

While WordPress began as writing for a blog instrument, it has advanced over time into an incredible web designer and a hearty substance the executive's framework (CMS).

The most amazing aspect about WordPress is that it's not difficult to utilize and sufficiently adaptable to make various sorts of sites. That is the principle motivation behind why WordPress has developed such a huge amount in prevalence. As per a new study, WordPress powers 32.3% of all sites on the web.

Because of its strong highlights, a significant number of the top brands use WordPress to control their sites including Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, The New York Times, and then some.

How about we investigate why you should utilize WordPress to make your site.

WordPress is free programming. It implies you are allowed to download, introduce, utilize and adjust it to coordinate your requirements. You can utilize it to make any sort of site. To find out additional, see our article regarding for what reason is WordPress free?.

While the WordPress programming itself is free, you need a space name and web facilitating to introduce it.

A space name is the location of your site on the web. This is the thing that your clients type in their program's location bar to get to your site (for instance, wpbeginner.com).

Web facilitating is your site's home where all your site documents are put away.

We suggest utilizing Bluehost. They are one of the biggest facilitating organizations on the planet and an authoritatively suggested WordPress facilitating supplier.

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If You Require Any Kind of Web Service As Web Designing, Web Development, SEO, Marketing Etc, Just Feel Free To Contact Me!

  • Purulia, West Bengal, India
  • +91-863-706-38-86
  • tarunbanerjee88@hotmail.com
  • tarunbanerjee88.blogspot.com